Ancestor Meditation

I am listening for the ancestors.

I am listening to the ancestral wisdom that is coming from women of color right now.

I am listening to the ancestral wisdom that is coming from indigenous women right now.

I am listening to the ancestral wisdom that is coming from Jewish women right now.

I was given the name Omyo–“abstruse; deep & profound”–by Ven. Samu Sunim, in accordance with the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. I am a direct descendant of Buddha Shakyamuni and his Dharma. I am also a descendant of the older cultures that produced him.

I was christened Emily in the Methodist church, and am a direct descendant of Jesus Christ and all of his radical, compassionate followers.

My ancestors go back even further than Buddha and Jesus. I am listening to the ancestral wisdom coming from the witches and the plant healers right now. I am listening for the ancestors of pre-Christian Europe.

It is difficult to admit that I am angry with my ancestors for settling this continent as they did, for being complacent and complicit with enslavement and genocide, for losing the Old Ways. I am angry with them for handing ritual, ceremony, and the care of the soul to the Church. I am angry with them for handing healing to the scientific medical establishment.

My ancestors were hillbillies–racists and bigots, religious fanatics, snake oil salesmen, murdered women, subsistence farmers, oil drillers, hog slaughterers. They came to Turtle Island three hundred and fifty years ago, and before that, they lived under regimes of thought-control, totalitarianism, patriarchy, kleptocracy, genocide, and ecological destruction. For centuries.

They survived, and I am here.

They compromised; they survived and I am here.






2 responses to “Ancestor Meditation”

  1. Alaina Avatar

    Ancestor work is something that I’ve long been interested in. I’m primarily interested in connecting with my personal lineage, to learn how they lived their lives and what they practiced before they came to the US. Like you, I’m angry for the way this country developed, for the blatant disregard to what was once considered holy. I think, a couple generations got confused about what the “American dream” really is and should be. I think a couple generations lost their roots, in an attempt to put down new ones here. In an attempt to earn and build more and more, they lost their roots. There is so much important wisdom in our ancestors that I feel disconnected from, that I don’t have access to. This post got a lot of feelings moving, thank you. I’m going to go check out that Little Red Tarot post, now….

  2. airsylph Avatar

    I know this is almost a year late – but I loved reading this. I also really love your blog. Once November strikes, I’ll be referring to your “Gathering In” spread for a reading. Thanks for sharing all the knowledge you have on this blog and hope to hear from you soon!

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