
Emily smiling and looking up, wearing red glasses against a yellow background

My name is Emily.

I offer tarot readings with a loving heart and a sharp mind. I believe in tarot as a tool for personal and spiritual growth. I don’t predict your future, I help you create it.

My Tarot Journey and What to Expect from a Reading with Me

A few days into 2015, I unearthed a long-neglected plastic storage bin in my closet and pulled out my old tarot deck, which I had probably purchased about 15 years before, and which had been lying dormant at least a decade. When I plunked down $20 of my allowance for that deck as a teenager, I was drawn to the cards but really didn’t know why. I mean, cards are cool right? It feels good to shuffle them, turn them over, to hold a big, fat deck in your hand. But I knew nothing about tarot and had nobody to encourage my learning (in fact, most people in my life actively discouraged it) and so I eventually put the cards aside.

When I brought the cards out again, I just felt something click. I realized that tarot cards aren’t about predicting the future. Rather, they reflect our blind spots back to us and show us things that our conscious, willful mind might miss amidst the rush of our everyday lives. And so slowly, timidly, I picked them up again and began to shuffle. Within 3 or 4 years of tarot study, I realized that skills I had been cultivating through my career—making meaning out of symbols and messages, mentorship, project management—made me a good candidate for reading tarot for others. I truly love pulling cards for others!

When I read cards, I focus on how the cards interact through elemental dignities and numbers, as well as visual symbols. My focus is on how the cards talk to each other through these languages. My readings are free-form, attending to what each card in itself has to say and how it interacts the cards around it. I do not consider myself psychic, although I believe I am gifted with intuition. My readings are concerned with how the past and future come together in the present moment.

The first principle of my readings is honesty delivered with compassion. My focus is to support you wherever you are in your journey, even when the message may be hard to hear.

I do not make predictions about the future.

I do not contact spirits or spirit guides.

I do not do readings about or on behalf of people who are not present. But I am happy to do readings for multiple people who are present.

I do not offer medical, legal, or business advice, but I can offer emotional and psychological support for dealing with tough issues.

I am not a therapist or a counselor. Tarot readings are a great complement to other forms of support but do not replace them.


“Your validation of my identities and the way I seek to live & love broke peace over me in a way I rarely receive.” — S.

“I feel like your breakdown of the cards would be accessible and comprehensible to someone who isn’t all that familiar with [tarot] as a divination tool. This is without a doubt one of the most in depth three card readings I’ve ever had; THANK YOU.” — L.

“Despite giving Emily a nebulous place to start from, I found her reading to be incredibly accurate. She helped me to pull back from the minutia of day to day life and see my life from a larger perspective. I walked away from the reading feeling like a had a clearer grasp on the challenges I’m currently facing, and was able to think about ways to move forward in a meaningful way. ” — A.

“You told the truth which can be painful, but followed it up with a positive and constructive approach.” — J.

“Ok, so this reading was amazing. The feedback I have is that it was all together very awesome. This is my favorite and most helpful reading I’ve ever received. … You seem to be incredibly knowledgeable, passionate, and intuitive. You got right to the heart of this question with clarity, precision, and gentleness. ” — A.


Emily is a German-Scottish person living on Potowatomi land in what is now known as Michigan. She has been a student of tarot since 2015. She also holds a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Michigan and is a certified facilitator of the Work That Reconnects. She is an ethnic (non-practicing) Christian and a Buddhist practitioner in the lineage of the Jogye Order of South Korean Seon Buddhism. She identifies as polyamorous, queer, bisexual, pansexual, and as a non-binary female person. And of course she has two cats, named Fanny and MacGuffin.