Category: personal

  • Freeing Myself from Narcissistic Friendship

    I have decided to share this personal story here because I think it might help others to understand what it took me too long to: narcissism takes many forms and can look like many things. There is no tarot content in this post, but I will post later about a tarot spread I did regarding…

  • #polytarot: The Relationship Escalator

    #polytarot: The Relationship Escalator

    One thing you hear about in the polyamory community is the Relationship Escalator. I’m not sure who coined the term, but the idea is essentially this: the beginning of each romantic relationship is the start of a clearly defined trajectory that starts with two people meeting and ends with them making a permanent commitment to…

  • The Warning Signs

    Right now five years ago, I was descending into a depressive episode that lasted for over a year. I don’t believe that I’m wired for chemicals-in-the-brain type depression, which means that if I’m experiencing depression, it’s because of factors in my outward environment, how I’m handling my thoughts, emotions, and body, or a combination of…

  • Ancestor Meditation

    I am listening for the ancestors. I am listening to the ancestral wisdom that is coming from women of color right now. I am listening to the ancestral wisdom that is coming from indigenous women right now. I am listening to the ancestral wisdom that is coming from Jewish women right now. I was given…

  • On the Collective

    It’s not surprising to me that I was in a tarot slump in the months leading up to the election. I was having trouble looking deeply into anything because I was in a state of numbness/denial about the possibility of Trump becoming president. No wonder that I didn’t have a lot of patience for slowing…

  • The Question is Insight

    The Question is Insight

    NOTE: I mixed up the 7 and 8 of Cups in the Thoth tarot. That’s what I get for working with a trimmed deck! I’m not sure that we give ourselves enough credit for asking the question. What I mean by this is: in tarot, we generally see the question as a means to an…

  • Gathering In 2017

    Gathering In 2017

    As we move into 2017, I think the most thoughtful and pithy thing I’ve read about it is this XKCD comic. I hope you had as good a 2016 as possible, and that 2017 brings everything you need and desire in spite of the confusion and challenges that the world is moving into politically and…

  • Quiet friend, who has come so far

    It’s been a long, long time, my dears. I did not intend to abandon this blog for four months, but looking at the last post I can see how grief and pain have been catching up with me–as well as alternating feelings of overwhelm and idleness/worthlessness. I’m humbled by the steady stream of people who…

  • Mid-Summer Check-In

    Mid-Summer Check-In

    Lately, I have needed to put my feet in the water. Lately, my life has been feeling so stagnant and stifled and I need to experience the flow of the river. Still no job, but I haven’t been looking for one. I’ve felt like something needs to stay on hold. Yes, I’m doing volunteer work–building…

  • Keeping Secrets Like the High Priestess

    Keeping Secrets Like the High Priestess

    A little over two years ago, I took a career seminar in which I found out that my Meyers-Briggs personality type is INFJ. This explained so much about my life to me, I can’t even tell you. Some time later, after I got into tarot, I also learned that my birth card is the High…