Category: decks

  • Deck Review: The One Oracle

    Deck Review: The One Oracle

    APRIL FOOLS, Y’ALL! For at least 3 years, I have wanted to do an April Fool’s Day joke by reviewing an UNO deck as an oracle deck, but this year I finally got off my duff and did it. I hope you enjoyed the joke as much as I enjoyed making it. ⁣As for the…

  • On the Collective

    It’s not surprising to me that I was in a tarot slump in the months leading up to the election. I was having trouble looking deeply into anything because I was in a state of numbness/denial about the possibility of Trump becoming president. No wonder that I didn’t have a lot of patience for slowing…

  • The Question is Insight

    The Question is Insight

    NOTE: I mixed up the 7 and 8 of Cups in the Thoth tarot. That’s what I get for working with a trimmed deck! I’m not sure that we give ourselves enough credit for asking the question. What I mean by this is: in tarot, we generally see the question as a means to an…

  • Gathering In 2017

    Gathering In 2017

    As we move into 2017, I think the most thoughtful and pithy thing I’ve read about it is this XKCD comic. I hope you had as good a 2016 as possible, and that 2017 brings everything you need and desire in spite of the confusion and challenges that the world is moving into politically and…

  • Slow Holler, for healing and waking up

    Slow Holler, for healing and waking up

    I’ve been messing around with various potential posts for this blog because there are so many things happening inside me that are not getting written down anywhere. My tarot slump has continued, but two things happened yesterday that have rekindled my faith that tarot can help me with the changes that we are facing on…

  • The Mary-el and a small trip

    The Mary-el and a small trip

    Tomorrow I’m heading out for a 10-day activist training intensive, so I will not be posting here for at least a couple of weeks. The past few weeks have been filled with preparations for my family to come watch me graduate, and then preparations for this trip so my tarot practice has fallen off a…

  • #decklust, or, When I own every tarot deck will I finally be happy?

    #decklust, or, When I own every tarot deck will I finally be happy?

    For those in the tarot community on Instagram, sharing pictures of newly purchased decks is a favorite pastime. Every day in my feed, I see pictures of packages containing decks, or new decks still in shrink wrap, usually with a caption that goes something like, “Just got home to find this in the mail! I’m…

  • Introduction to the Wooden Tarot Series

    Introduction to the Wooden Tarot Series

    The Wooden Tarot is a 79-card self-published tarot deck by Atlanta-based artist A. L. Swartz in 2014(?). The deck was conceived in the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, but Swartz’s unique style and artistic preoccupations make this deck a big departure from  mainstream visual tarot traditions. The Wooden Tarot features no human beings, with the exception of a…

  • Reading With Reversals

    Reading With Reversals

    If asked the question, Do you read with reversals? I will have to say, “Yes and no.” Mostly, it depends on the deck. I haven’t been asked this question, but it seems like an Obligatory Topic, so I want to talk a little bit about my practice and why I think tarot readers will strengthen…

  • Self-Care Spread–and a Conundrum

    Self-Care Spread–and a Conundrum

    I’ve been focusing a lot on posting my Wooden Tarot card meanings lately and I’ll continue to do so after I sit with the majors a bit. But this blog isn’t just about the Wooden Tarot and I want to do some different things, too. This morning I woke up feeling subtly off-balance. I sort…