Category: Uncategorized

  • Choosing a tarot deck for yourself.

    It is easy to see why people hesitate about buying their first tarot deck or adding another deck to their collection. It’s hard to predict before using it whether or not a particular tarot deck will work for you in the long-term. This is normal because tarot is a tool. If I am a carpenter,…

  • Anti-Supremacist Statement

    All discussions of tarot on this blog are specifically anti-supremacist. As a person of European descent, I reject the narrative that tarot is a purely European phenomenon or that it should be used only by “white” people. I understand that some of my ancestors, specifically those from places like Alsace and the Rhenish Palatinate, may…

  • Uncomfortable Curiosity: The Page of Cups

    Uncomfortable Curiosity: The Page of Cups

    Once during a weekend trip, my partner, his other partner, and I decided to play a board game. My partner’s partner is a board game enthusiast and they had a brand new indie game still wrapped in plastic. It was so beautiful and intriguing that even though I am entirely unfamiliar with that kind of…

  • Resting in Wisdom: Tarot for the Aftermath of Friendship

    Resting in Wisdom: Tarot for the Aftermath of Friendship

    Recently, I wrote about coming to the realization that someone I had been in a very close friendship with for 7 years is a narcissist or has narcissistic tendencies. This realization was liberating, not because it made the friendship better, but because it finally confirmed for me what I had been fearing all along: things…

  • Freeing Myself from Narcissistic Friendship

    I have decided to share this personal story here because I think it might help others to understand what it took me too long to: narcissism takes many forms and can look like many things. There is no tarot content in this post, but I will post later about a tarot spread I did regarding…

  • It’s My Birthday! Receiving is Hard.

    It’s my birthday. Recently, I went over to my boyfriend’s apartment. It had been a long week for him and he had recently had a minor surgery, so understandably things were untidy. There were a lot of dishes to be done, a couple of loads of laundry to do. An ongoing conversation between us is…

  • My Logo: Symbolism

    My Logo: Symbolism

    Back in October when I revealed my logo, drawn by the amazing Audra of @heavyhands.embroidery, I said that I would talk about the symbolism in it. HIGH PRIESTESS. First of all, the tarot card featured here is Key II, the High Priestess. This card is my birth card and one whose meaning I strongly identify…

  • Pricing Tarot Readings

    I want to talk here about why I have priced my tarot readings at their current rates because transparency is important to me. Pricing services can be such a fraught thing. I remember a few years ago when I did some freelance tutoring, I AGONIZED over what to charge. A similar challenge faced me as…

  • Jobs and Aces

    Things have been quieter than usual around here because I’ve been really busy with job applications. Near the end of February, I found out about a fellowship for humanities PhDs who want to work in nonprofits. The organization and job looked great, and the money was excellent–far more than I could expect to command on…