Tag: tarot reading

  • Pricing Tarot Readings

    I want to talk here about why I have priced my tarot readings at their current rates because transparency is important to me. Pricing services can be such a fraught thing. I remember a few years ago when I did some freelance tutoring, I AGONIZED over what to charge. A similar challenge faced me as…

  • #polytarot: The Relationship Escalator

    #polytarot: The Relationship Escalator

    One thing you hear about in the polyamory community is the Relationship Escalator. I’m not sure who coined the term, but the idea is essentially this: the beginning of each romantic relationship is the start of a clearly defined trajectory that starts with two people meeting and ends with them making a permanent commitment to…

  • The Question is Insight

    The Question is Insight

    NOTE: I mixed up the 7 and 8 of Cups in the Thoth tarot. That’s what I get for working with a trimmed deck! I’m not sure that we give ourselves enough credit for asking the question. What I mean by this is: in tarot, we generally see the question as a means to an…

  • Gathering In 2017

    Gathering In 2017

    As we move into 2017, I think the most thoughtful and pithy thing I’ve read about it is this XKCD comic. I hope you had as good a 2016 as possible, and that 2017 brings everything you need and desire in spite of the confusion and challenges that the world is moving into politically and…