The Wooden Tarot

After falling in love with A. L. Swartz’s Wooden Tarot, I was tempted to write my own set of card descriptions for the deck. You can find mine below. If the card you’re looking for isn’t here, you may have luck over at Two Sides Tarot or the Wooden Tarot Facebook group.


 Suit of Stones (Wands)

Introduction & God of Stones
Suit of Stones 2-5
Suit of Stones 6-10
The Court of Stones

Suit of Blooms (Cups)

Introduction & God of Blooms
Suit of Blooms 2-5
Suit of Blooms 6-10
The Court of Blooms

Suit of Plumes (Swords)

Introduction & God of Plumes
Suit of Plumes 2-5
Suit of Plumes 6-10
The Court of Plumes

Suit of Bones (Pentacles/Disks)

Introduction & God of Bones
Suit of Bones 2-5
Suit of Bones 6-10
The Court of Bones