Category: 2016

  • Slow Holler, for healing and waking up

    Slow Holler, for healing and waking up

    I’ve been messing around with various potential posts for this blog because there are so many things happening inside me that are not getting written down anywhere. My tarot slump has continued, but two things happened yesterday that have rekindled my faith that tarot can help me with the changes that we are facing on…

  • Mid-Summer Check-In

    Mid-Summer Check-In

    Lately, I have needed to put my feet in the water. Lately, my life has been feeling so stagnant and stifled and I need to experience the flow of the river. Still no job, but I haven’t been looking for one. I’ve felt like something needs to stay on hold. Yes, I’m doing volunteer work–building…

  • 2016 Part 2: Gathering In

    2016 Part 2: Gathering In

    A happy New Year’s Eve to you. Things have been quiet here because of the holiday craziness, which has finally died down. (Or rather, it died down a few days ago and I’m just now recovering.) A couple of weeks ago, I posted my massive Year Ahead Spread for 2016. While it is a predictive…

  • 2016 Part 1: The Year Ahead Spread

    2016 Part 1: The Year Ahead Spread

    Year Ahead Spreads are quite common in the tarot world–the idea is that you draw one card for each month, or some variation thereof, and perhaps also a card signifying the overall theme of the year. From this reading, you will be able to predict or plan for the coming year. Now, I am not…