Category: Page of Wands

  • Gathering In 2017

    Gathering In 2017

    As we move into 2017, I think the most thoughtful and pithy thing I’ve read about it is this XKCD comic. I hope you had as good a 2016 as possible, and that 2017 brings everything you need and desire in spite of the confusion and challenges that the world is moving into politically and…

  • The Wooden Tarot: Court of Stones

    The Wooden Tarot: Court of Stones

    This is part of an ongoing series in which I write about my interpretations of the cards in A.L. Swartz’s Wooden Tarot. You can find the other posts here. The Court of Stones features animals that are by and large more familiar than the other courts–at least for North Americans (the Page of Stones as…